With each semester here at CCBC comes a great lineup of Instructors. We have our core instructors who are guaranteed to be teaching at least one class every semester, whom we
are always certain will do exceptional with whatever they teach, by the power of the spirit of course. However with every semester one or two new instructors come our way and they are always such a blessing to our students and a great addition to CCBC Maui.
With that being said we would like to introduce to you our new instructors for Spring 2010:
Pat Zukeran (Ph.D.,Southern Evangelical Seminary; M.Th, Dallas Theological Seminary, B.A.)
This semester Pat is teaching two classes, Hermeneutics (Inductive Bible Study) and also Church History. Pat has taught on Apologetics, comparative religions, cults and theology around the world as well as through the radio and on various Internet sites. He is the host of 'Evidence and Answers' radio program, the author of 'The Apologetics of Jesus', and co-author with Norman Geisler of World Religions Through a Christian Worldview.
(sorry picture unavailable) Brad Hall (Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Central Maui)
Brad is teaching 1 & 2 Timothy. Pastor Brad and his wife Christy and their children live in Central Maui and minister to the local body there.
Jacob Macias (A. Th, CCBC Maui)
Jacob is teaching Minor Prophets this semester. Jacob Macias recently returned to the Island with his wife Morgan Macias, from Colorado Springs ,Co. Before moving to Colorado Springs Jacob was serving as the Dean of students here at CCBC Maui, he is now excited to be back and to have another opportunity to be involved with the students.